Friday, July 24, 2009


Well so much for blogging regularly! I fail. I really need to get on it because I've been feeling so nostalgic lately, and I don't necessarily want to journal about all of that...I'd rather reminisce in blog land. I read this book recently...The Myth of You and Me...and it got me to thinking about the friendships I have in my life. There's Michelle, friend of 20 years, and there's Amy, friend of 13 years. I consider another 4 girlfriends and my sister as best friends as well, but, not counting my sister, my friendships with Michelle and Amy have existed the longest. Another thing that sets them apart is that there was a time with each of them when the friendship could have ended. This book is about a friendship that ends 8 years prior to the present tense of the story. I recommend it as a good read and one that will make you feel grateful for the friendships maintained throughout life. As the three of us have gotten older, naturally our lives have changed so much!

In the beginning of our friendship I thought Amy would move back to California and live in a nifty little place near the ocean where she'd collect sea glass and wear funky jewelry and love a man with long hair who played guitar and wrote poetry. Thankfully she is still here in Oklahoma and she still has great taste in jewelry. Her husband does not have long hair but he does play guitar! :) Our friendship went through a troubled period near the end of high could have been the beginning of the end. But even with the distance we experienced during college and the changes we went through becoming adults, our friendship survived and is stronger than ever being as we are now women and not silly girls!

In the beginning I thought Michelle would live in a studio apartment surrounded by her art and maybe a pool table and she'd drink vodka straight from the bottle and wouldn't let a man in to her heart. Her art is not as apparent as it once was but she's very much still the artist. No there is none of the vodka from the bottle thing going on...yay! She has let a man into her heart but she is still very cautious. The big upset in our friendship was about four years ago and it could have easily been the end. There was a seriously long period of silence but I was eventually forgiven and the situation opened my eyes to an even bigger problem with me personally...but I'm not going there today! Anyway! Here we are! This fall will be 20 years being friends and we plan on having a kick ass anniversary party!

The three of us have been spending a lot of time together and it's been wonderful! It's the first time in our lives when all three of us have been in relationships so it's really great when we all spend time as couples. Each of us are so different from each other in so many ways and there's no doubt how different our men are from each other...but we all mesh together well! There is no myth to these friendships and relationships. Though they have changed, they have always been real and genuine. I have my boyfriend, my family, my career, and my dreams...but I'd be so much less if I didn't have my girlfriends. I love you sisterfriends!

1 comment:

  1. Man, you have been blogging away this whole week! Thanks for giving me reading material while I'm at work. ;)

    I can't believe it's been 13 years since I moved here and met you! Crazy.

    Also, let's go fishing.

