Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Lake

my nephew, jackson, loves the lake. he gets that from me i suppose:) i grew up just down the road from this lake. people call it dirty bird and it really kind of pisses me off. it's not anything at all like tenkiller or eufala but it's a lake. it's a place to just chill. i have so many happy memories here. memories of a simple life with good friends and good times. i miss those days. i miss being young with the whole world in front of me for the taking. the world is still there to be had but it's more difficult to take it now with having to make a living and earn money to pay for bills, debt, and basic survival. sigh.

i have to get ready for work now. i'll be depressed for the next several hours and hope with all my heart that people will text me. or i'll get on my phone periodically to see if i have any notifications on facebook. oh how i love notifications.

while i'm working in a concrete place of misery and depression i will think about the sound of boats on the water. i will think about the wind and the sun. i will think about floating weightlessly in the water with the sound of my heartbeat and breath for company.

