Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Technology Team Lead

for the last 3 years i've been the photo lab team lead at sam's club. my education, professional certification, and passion is photography. portrait studios just weren't my cup of tea with the over booking and standard poses and sick kids coughing in my face...just couldn't deal with all that! i wanted to work in a professional lab but really didn't know of any in oklahoma, so i ended up at sam's club. this really could be a great place to work if i could just do what i do in the lab...but... unfortunately this has never been the case. at the end of the day i'm expected to fold clothes, put merchandise away, and pull boxes. not to sound like a snob but i didn't spend thousands of dollars on an education to do mindless work such as that! sam's club has also caused me severe stress, major depression, and stomach aches. two days before i started there as the team lead i was told that my pay wasn't going to be quite what they had estimated for me...this was a little rough being as how it was a major cut already from my last employer...but i was reminded of the raise i'd get at 90 days and of course the annual raise... so whatever...i dealt with it. however, 7 months later the company realized there was a problem with the computer system and associates wages weren't calculated right. how this club was open for 2 years at this time and how it wasn't until 7 months after i was hired this problem went unnoticed is confusing to me! regardless, my pay was cut 40 cents. oh yes...and this was right during the holiday season... stress central! in addition to the pay cut i also had to deal with associates being taken out of my department, hours being cut, and staff not being adequate for the busiest time of year. all very frustrating! but the straw that broke the camel's back...

photo team lead no longer exists. it's now technology team lead. technology team lead will continue to supervise the photo lab but will also supervise electronics and the cell phone center. instead of being over 3 people, i would be over somewhere between 10 and 15 or so. i will have to contribute my time and labor to all three departments. everyone at work has been congratulating me...well...until they hear the rest of it. congratulations usually comes with promotions. promotions usually occur when responsibility and expectations are increased. well... supervising 3 departments is definitely more responsibility and the company definitely has some new expectations for this new position. but...promotions usually mean a raise. this is not a promotion. this is bull shit. i'm expected to do much more work and deal with much more stress without any kind of raise!!!

i just cannot imagine it. the thought of the holiday season alone makes me want to throw up. people are evil during the holidays. dealing with people shopping in 3 areas i supervise would cause major ulcers. so no...i cannot do this. it does not benefit me in any way, shape, or form!

so i've posted my resume for a government job and through express personnel. i have approximately 4 weeks to find a new job. i'm so glad the economy and job market is so good right now! oh wait. shit.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO GLAD you are looking for a new job! You will seriously love working an office job with normal 8 to 5 hours. Express Personnel can get you in the door at a lot of good places, and once they meet you, you will just climb up the ladders... Just keep looking for work while you're at Sam's because you WILL eventually find something. I know what it feels like to want to jump right out, but stick in there until you find a good replacement. Apply at OU also! Put me down as a reference if you apply there, or anywhere with Arvest. Also, I will email my dad and see if they have any office positions open at Northrop. My dad is also awesome at resume writing, so I think you should go over to my parents house for dinner and get him to look at it. I will hook this all up...

