Monday, August 3, 2009

Mojito noche

How does one respond to this: A boyfriend and a girlfriend. Together 3 years...the first year and third year were rocky but that middle year was splendid! Going in to the fourth year, things are once again splendid...mostly. Have lived together 1 year and 8 months. Tonight... we're watching the movie Push and we take a bathroom/make another Mojito break. So I ask, "If you could have a super power, what would it be?" This may seem like a first date type of question and maybe I did ask this some time in the past but if I did, I don't remember. Boyfriend answers, "I'd freeze time and move about it independently." Great! Upon further investigation... Me- "To do good right?!!!" (With enthusiasm and vigor!). Boyfriend..."Well..." Me- "What????? Would you be a villian???" Boyfriend..."Probably" and laughs/snickers. Me- What the...???!!!....really???...

He laughs some more and there's this awkward let's face facts situation...but all the time I'm thinking, "What the hell???!" Seriously! There was no resolution! I told him that I couldn't be with someone who could see themself as being a villian and he got all pissed off at me for finding some way that I couldn't be with him. This is a hypothetical situation remember? I said something along the lines of, "Well you're not a villian so we don't have to worry about it...right? There's nothing dark inside you're not going to kill me in the middle of the night...right...right?" ( A little nervous). He's still pissed off at me for finding some reason not to be with him. Somehow we got past this little altercation and now I'm bloggin and he's playing World of Warcraft. Does that sound right? Yeah...remember...drinking a and then. Maybe I'm being stupid and somene needs to slap me. What the hell though! Only 2 followers on this little blog! How the hell do you get your crazy ramblings out there? I need feedback.

"We have somebody who's DC in our raid- Tommy." What the hell does that mean? That's what he just said on his little headset thing. It's just times like these...when we were supposed to have a dinner together and a movie on the couch and sweet love making where ever...but instead I'm fishing for compliments on the dinner and inquiring about the movie and trying to ignore his nerdy little lingo on the net...well that's just not what I had in mind.

Damn. I've had one to many drinks with rum to write coherently. It may be time for me to stop. But seriously?! My 2 followers...the question of the post is..."What do you do when you are in a relationship with someone you love beyond reason but drives you absolutely crazy???" (And should I actively seek people to follow me or would that be way to needy and pathetic?)

Love to Amy and Aura since they are all who follow!

:) Sorry for my intoxication.


  1. I don't know what to tell you. For me it's all about deciding if more good than bad comes from a relationship. If you like the person *you* are when you're with your signiifcant other chances are you're in a good place. There are way too many factors to sit there and make a pros and cons list, so you kind of have to go with your gut. I'm sorry it's crummy for you right now. :(

  2. Also, here is a link to my favorite blog EVER. You should read all of it. It's great.

