Sunday, August 30, 2009

With the Windows Down

I just wanted to share a little moment of my day. I went to my parents house, where my sister is currently living, to visit with her for a little while. We talked a bit about views on marriage, babies, and careers; flipped through her Vogue and made comments on fashion we loved and comments on creepy wolf heads and freaky cats; semi watched Sex and the City and paid more attention to Samantha's sexy naked next door neighbor, Dante; and then I headed home a little after 7 with about 50 pounds of photo albums and mail left at my parents.

On the drive home the sun was just setting to where my visor barely kept it's brilliant light out of my eyes. Thankfully I had a pair of one dollar Dollar Tree sunglasses on hand! I drove with the windows down and my arm resting on the edge, occasionally surfing my hand on the cool summer breeze. I felt like the country girl I grew up as with my big truck and pearl snap shirt cruising down a country road. With Black Betty currently without a radio of any kind, I decided to just listen to and savor the trip instead of singing to myself like I usually do. There was the sound of lawn mowers, motorcycles passing by, and of course the constant summer chorus of cicadas! I smelled fresh cut grass, burn piles smoking, and hamburgers on the grill. It was absolutely lovely in all of it's simplicity! The drive was just not long enough!

I love that I own my truck. I love (mostly ;) that my parents are only 10 minutes away. I love that there is a lake close by. I'm grateful that even when so many other things in life are just so shitty, there are still moments to love and cherish.

I love driving with the windows down :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi how are you?

    I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, and inspiring to me, so I thought why not leave you a comment.

    I too have a blog that I use out of Southern California here in San Diego.

    Mostly it is a collection of artistic expression, and I have many friends with the same interests, maybe you can become my friend, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.

    Well I hope to hear from you soon, and or read about you….LOL


