Sunday, September 13, 2009

MTV Music Awards

I was very disappointed with the MTV music awards this year. This is not a show I watch every year and usually only catch pieces of it replayed on talk shows. I for some reason ended up watching the entire thing...ugh. Seriously! What a waste of time! But I guess it was like watching a disaster being covered on the of those things were you just feel terrible and wish you could help in some way and are completely depressed by what you're watching but you keep the TV on anyway! It was like that!

Lady GaGa (I don't even know if that's how her name is spelled) was a psycho with her crazy paparazzi song and then hiking her leg up all trashy on the piano while she played and then bleeding all down her front and wiping it on her face and hanging like some dead zombie with this glassed over eyes thing goin' on. After her performance she changed into a red lacy outfit that covered her was topped with a red hat that was cylindrical with spikes at the top. Then she wore a white fuzzy thing around her head and it looked like she also had a collar with a leash she was a lion or something. Can she not just sing? Is her voice not enough? I don't think people like her should be referred to as singers...they should be known as performers. Singers with real talent can be show stoppers with just their voices...they don't need stripper dance moves, crazy outfits, and gimmicks.

I love Pink...I think she's wonderful! She did like a trapeze type of performance while singing her song. It was pretty awesome to watch and she sang pretty well considering she was swinging back and forth and upside down and sideways and every kind of way while she sang. BUT! She didn't sound as awesome as she usually does...her voice is amazing but this performance was not a show case of that ultimately it was a let down. Just sing!!!

The host was trying to be funny but I don't think anyone laughed even once! The band that played in between sets and commercials was so terrible and got no reaction from the audience. Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to basically say that Beyonce deserved the award and was thus booed anytime his name was spoken.

There were some good parts. Taylor Swift didn't sound as awful as she usually does when singing live. Green Day of course kicked some ass and actually won an award. Muse was really great and showed real singing talent! Alicia Keys played the piano and sang and is truly a gift from God! Michael Jackson was honored with a really awesome video montage combined with dancers performing the same moves as on the video...Janet Jackson joined and rocked it out. There were moments of genuine talent...but they were few.

Hmm...I was going to write more but my boyfriend turned the speakers up for his World of Warcraft game. When I asked him to please turn the volume down he said, "I guess," and shook his head back and for and slammed his drinking glass down. So that pissed me off and I lost my train of thought. Well until next time I guess!

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