Saturday, January 9, 2010

Going Away

amy has been one of my best friends for 14 years...since she moved here second semester of 7th grade. we met in choir. she moved here from california, and in my 13 year old eyes she was the very image of a california girl! oklahoma grew on her, and we became like sisters and over the years we faced challenges and difficulties. we've had a million laughs and a few tears...there have been good times and bad times. she and her husband are moving back to california where they will have new jobs, new experiences, and someday some babies! last night was their going away party, and it was so odd! i felt so possessive of her...i wanted to grab her and announce that she was my friend first! i've known her the longest and we've been through the most! so back off people...this is MY sisterfriend! but that wouldn't have been very nice and it's important to share friends:) i plan on visiting them in california as often as i can anyway. so i grabbed our friends bryan and michelle...friends who have practically been there since the beginning as well...and we got some pictures of the original crew. i just wanted to share:)

amy, me, bryan, and michelle

just us girls

and finally just us: amy and amy; amy #1 and amy #2; big amy and little amy; double A's; amy squared; amy times two...the amys.


  1. Amy squared forever!!!!

    GLY my sisterfriend ;)

  2. oh my goodness i forgot about GLY!!! awesome!!! but yes...amy squared forever!!! :)

