Saturday, January 30, 2010

Captured by Winter

yesterday i woke up, showered, put makeup on, fixed hair, dressed for work, and was ready to head out the door when i decided to call and see if i even needed to come in...turns out i didn't really. it's a good thing too because it snowed the entire day, and had i gone to work, i might have had some trouble getting home! i was grateful for the snow day! it was especially nice spending the day with my grandma. we drank our coffee and watched the snow fall while we talked about how the earth has shifted and moved over the last thousands of was an interesting conversation i tell ya! :) the day before i bought her the susan boyle cd (the lady who shocked audiences in britain's got talent with her performance of i dreamed a dream). we listened to that and got teary eyed with her rendition of how great thou art...she sang beautifully and it just filled me up with so much passion and emotion. i'll have to share more about my passion for music in another's kind of a big deal! then i bundled up and wrapped my camera up to venture outside for some photography! * click on the images to see them's better! *

i'm being cheesey with my wrapping techniques...the one below would have worked better but i was finished shooting by the time i decided on this wrapping. oh well! my hair and makeup that were all fixed up for work were quickly destroyed by winter's forces...i basically melted. it was all in the name of photography though so no biggie! here are some favorites! * click to enlarge *

this one was my very favorite i think!

playing with daisies in the snow!

so after getting soaking wet and completely numb, i came inside. grandma made grilled cheese sandwiches for was lovely...the pickles and olives were my favorite parts though! yummy!

later that evening i made oatmeal cookies and chai really was a lovely wintery day! today we just couldn't imagine staying in the entire day so we ventured out in to the winter wonderland for some burgers at goldies. yummy again! the roads really aren't too terrible unless you're an idiot driver...most people are unfortunately:( i've got the bed of my truck weighed down with about 550 pounds of sand, salt, and pallets...that's helpful!

well i just wanted to share my winter adventures! later i am going to write more about the power of music in my life...that's something that has been on my mind for some time. tonight we are celebrating my brother's upcoming 25th birthday...that is if people don't wimp out because of the weather. i totally rock on the roads no matter what!


  1. I love the pictures! I'm so glad you got out and enjoyed the day. :)

  2. thank you! i'm glad you love the pictures...i'm thinking of going out and taking more today! the icicles have gotten bigger! :)

  3. HI,

    great photos!!

    I have a tag, and a blog award for you so please come and play....


  4. thanks jesse! however, maybe it's my newness to the blog world, but i don't quite understand the tag and blog award business:) yeah my lack of internet lingo is pathetic:)

