Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Little Space

i mostly don't have any problems living with my grandma. the only challenge is going from having my own kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, office, and simply having my own room. my style is very eclectic so spreading it out through a whole apartment isn't so overwhelming. trying to cram as much of it as i can into a little bedroom probably doesn't look so...umm...attractive? but i still like's me...everything is of value to me so i simply cannot part with anything! (click on photos to see bigger)

here you can see my love of scarves and such. the light blue one is from amy...she brought it back from her trip to italy. the yellow one with pink and orange showing is from michelle...she brought it back from a recent cruise. there's also my guitar which i got for my 13th birthday but have never practiced long enough to be really good at it. on the very edge is my easel...currently holding my photography books.

these books are wonderful! there's even a little ireland book hanging out with them...all very inspiring! close up on the mesh of scarves (yes i know they clash) also gives a glimpse of the small pink one...from the breast cancer awareness walk three years ago, and the green one from my trip to boston back in 2003. see? sentimental.

here's a little glimpse at my desk. goofy pic of my sister and me from years ago...we are very weird when you put us together for too long...seriously don't know any sisters like us! you can also see a giant conch shell my friend chris gave me years ago...he said it was very special to him so i've always felt special that he gave it to me. there's also a little sea turtle paper weight michelle got me on another one of her trips. hopefully, you can also see the little frame holding a photo of bryan, amy, and me in a three person tower in the swimming pool. i was tiny back then and could thus be at the very top...good times :) i just thought i'd throw in another pic of my necklaces and bracelets...just 'cause they're lovely!

my room is my little only little bubble of independence besides my truck. maybe i'll get bean bags for when girlfriends come over...then we can pretend to be 10 or more years younger...except with wine :)

i'll end with a photo. it's a glossy 4x6 taped to my computer. it's my mama...she's twenty in this photo and i'm probably around 8 months or so. the picture is probably my favorite part of my little room.

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