Saturday, January 2, 2010


tommy doesn't like the idea of me putting so much personal information involving him in my blog so i'll avoid major details. to summarize: we moved out from the apartment we were sharing and are trying to be friends. the transition was literally the hardest thing i've had to do in my life thus far. the tears and heartache were shattering. the best decisions shouldn't be so hard, but unfortunately often times they are. sucks. i felt like i was a black hole...emotions whirled around and settled down inside me and were then cast out in to an abyss. probably the worst depression i have ever felt! but i got a really cool picture out of it. i used oil pastels on regular sketch paper. this is me in my puffy faced endless tears distress while composing this expression of feeling like a black hole:

so my hands get dirty any time i do any kind of art project. it never fails! but i like it. makes me feel closer to what i've put all my energy and thoughts in to. i probably looked worse at various times throughout this process, but snot and scary black rivers on my face probably would have been an over share! here's the best pic i could get of the final product. also, took a pic of the crappy poem i wrote that somewhat inspired it.

i've gotten through the worst of it i think. i still get teary eyed looking through photos or ticket stubs and souvenirs...but it doesn't hurt so much. i also think that tommy and i are going to be able to stay friends...i really hope so anyway!

moved in with my grandma, and no i am not ashamed of being a 27 year old woman living with my grandma. in fact, this time i have with her will be something i'll cherish for the rest of my life. we are so much alike! stubborn and strong willed! we won't ask for help unless it's a last resort. we'll drive ourselves to the hospital even if we feel like we're dying (true story). we'll order pick up at our favorite mexican restaurant so we don't have to pay the extra price to split a plate dining in.

she's kind of a big deal! and she's an artist too! i'll have to take some photos of her paintings and share. i'll also be sharing more of my art as well. i totally fail at computer business and proper terminology but i plan on figuring out a way to create a navigational bar of some sort with links to the various parts of this blog i want to expand on. i'd like to have an art section, photography section, a video section (i'll share more about my ideas for this later), random memories section, and of course just the daily blog type of sharing. i think it could be fun! oh yeah and a travel section!

there's a bit of my plans for this blog. any suggestions on tutorials for web design type of stuff would be appreciated! and moving on...

i'm feeling sick. there's been this head cold, stopped up nose, drainage down the back of my throat, overall nastiness feeling going on for a little over a week. i thought it was getting better with my vitamin C defense, but it's making an appearance again. so my brain is getting fuzzy now...that would be the point of me sharing this. i was going to write more, but the snot and mucus seem to be distracting my cells and brain waves. yay. bye for now!

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